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Unveiling the Hidden Struggles of Summer: A Deep Dive into the ‘Mother Wound.’

It is Summer!!

My favorite part of summer is the lighter clothing, letting my feet breathe in sandals, summer mocktails (and an occasional cocktail), my annual painting retreat, and outdoor swimming.

What about you?

For many, summer means open schedules, adventures, vacations, hanging out with friends and family, and catching up with yourself.

But what if that's not the case?

  • For parents: This could mean spending more time with your kids and less time with yourself.

  • If finances are tight: It could fee…

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Connecting with June: Embrace the Month's Heritage and Find Your 'Me'

June is best known for heralding the start of summer breaks and school vacations, but there is much more to this vibrant month than meets the eye.

The Origins of June: Juno and Hera

June is named after Juno, the ancient Roman goddess of youth and protection. Her name, derived from the Latin "Iūnō," stems from the root word for "young" (Iuuen), signifying vital energy and fertility. Juno was revered as the queen of the gods and the goddess of marriage. In Greek mythology, she is equated with Hera, …

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