Connecting with June: Embrace the Month's Heritage and Find Your 'Me'


June is best known for heralding the start of summer breaks and school vacations, but there is much more to this vibrant month than meets the eye.

The Origins of June: Juno and Hera

June is named after Juno, the ancient Roman goddess of youth and protection. Her name, derived from the Latin "Iūnō," stems from the root word for "young" (Iuuen), signifying vital energy and fertility. Juno was revered as the queen of the gods and the goddess of marriage. In Greek mythology, she is equated with Hera, the queen of the gods and the goddess of love and marriage. This connection to Juno and Hera might explain why June is such a popular month for weddings.

Significant June Holidays and Observances

June is also notable for several significant holidays and observances:

  • June 1: Marks the beginning of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) Pride Month.

  • June 5: Celebrates World Environment Day, promoting global environmental awareness.

  • June 10: My best friend’s birthday, adding a personal touch to the month!

  • June 16: Father's Day this year, a day to honor and celebrate fathers.

  • June 20, 2024: The start of summer and the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, with the summer solstice occurring at 4:51 p.m. ET.

Embracing June’s Dual Nature: Relaxation and Responsibility

June typically brings a sense of spaciousness, a slowing down, and a chance to change things up. We shed our layers, both literal and metaphorical, and often find more opportunities to meet up with friends and family or practice a beloved hobby. However, this isn't the case for everyone. Some people don't get a break, may struggle with having extra time, or find themselves with increased responsibilities, such as those with children at home for the summer.

Connecting to Your Inner Calendar

Regardless of your situation, it’s crucial to connect with your inner calendar. Amidst the blazing sun, evolving plans, household chores, and accumulating obligations, finding a moment to pause and take stock can be transformative. Notice where you are right now. Pay attention to what your body is doing and the sensations you are experiencing.

Ask yourself whether this is something you want to continue feeling or not. Taking even a minute to check in with yourself can shift your experience to be more grounded and fuller, regardless of whether it’s a positive or negative experience. I refer to this practice as finding "Me." Try it and see if you agree.

Wishing you a wonderful June filled with awareness and connection.

Creatively yours,

NEW BOOK by Mari Grande

CHI Creative Healing Integration™
Overcoming the Mother Wound: A Transformative Journey of Healing and Empowerment


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